I hate to write bad things, but I just want to share a bad experience. I found this provider in LEB 4 years ago. With lots of positive reviews, I jumped into their pool. For these years, no major isssues and I'm a happy customer. They gained my trust, and I bought more VPS with them.
2 days ago, I received a maintenance email. I ignored it as it stated it will takes only 10 minutes. After the maintenace, I start getting up/down notifications from Uptime Robot. I was away from my computer so I choose to ignore the issues while I believed their professional skills will handle it well.
This morning, I'm still getting these annoying up/down notifications. I awared that something very wrong. I SSH'ed into my VPS and found that system load reaching 6. OMG, that's aweful. I quickly do a soft reboot and hopefully everything will back to normal. Unfortunately, system load coming back again after the reboot.
I submited a ticket and a staff reported it's my applications eating up the RAM. That's weird, I rarely touch this VPS and issues came in right after the maintenance. Fine, I believed this is my fault. It was Debian 6, I rebuild the VPS with Debian 7 and installed Nginx, PHP, and MySQL to make sure my website running again. Sadly, the system load issue hunting me again. A quick check found that MySQL server is consuming a lot of CPU resources. By looking into MySQL process list, I saw a lot queries are jammed in sorting state. This is weird, I susepected something wrong with the disk I/O.
I killed all my processes, and system load back to normal.
# uptime
15:15:12 up 3:57, 1 user, load average: 0.15, 0.37, 2.61
Let's run a disk I/O test:
# dd if=/dev/zero of=test bs=64k count=16k conv=fdatasync
16384+0 records in
16384+0 records out
1073741824 bytes (1.1 GB) copied, 39.7027 s, 27.0 MB/s
WTH! Why the disk I/O speed is so slow? I quickly replied to the support ticket with my results. Unfortunately, I got a rudest reply. They applied IO caps to their service due to abuse. If I need to get rid of it, I need to upgrade to SSD plan... This is really sad and disappointing, I can't even run a single website in this box anymore.
I'm so suprised that this is the lowest IO speed I ever get among my VPS from other providers. Now, I have no choice but left my website offline and planning for a migration to other provider...
LowEndTalk http://ift.tt/1g02r9T My VPS Provider Made Me a Joke Web vps hosting server Linux - Windows webvps.blogspot.com