Need help. How to use cloudflare and ports to my domain in an ipv6 vps?


Hello all! I am new to this ipv6 thing! :-P But I play with my les to learn some things.

I want to set up to my les a shoutcast or an icecast server. I don't have ipv6 connectivity to my home and I want to make this server publicly available in the world, via a domain. Let's say, I use the domain myserver.tld So, I setup this domain to a cloudflare account with aaaa protocol, and I can access my website hosted in my lowendspirit box fine! Till here, all good! So, here's the question: In normal vps's, if I use my domain (e.g. myserver.tld) with the streaming port, it works (e.g. This doesn't work in my les box, configured with the cloudflare translation. I can access a web page hosted in my les, but not use the streaming in the specific port. A similar question (I think it reflects the same funcionality) How can I access via ssh the server in port 22, using putty? Is it possible to use as address my domain with the port (e.g. myserver.tld:22)? Yes, I know I can access it configuring my ssh server to listen to one of my ports in my NAT ipv4 address, but I want to use my domain in combination with cloudflare (or any other ipv6 to ipv4 system). Any help, would be appreciated.

  • CP does not mean cpanel, but my website's initials

LowEndTalk Need help. How to use cloudflare and ports to my domain in an ipv6 vps? Web vps hosting server Linux - Windows

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