We are an Indonesia Hosting company which Established in 2012, We offer affordable VPS hosting and confident in offering a 99.9% uptime guarantee, backed by our SLA. We understand with the ever increasing number of hosting companies to choose from, you’ll soon be encapsulated with endless number of technologies, platforms and the huge number of different contracts & policies to decide from. But in Tuguhost, we give quality and friendly support to help you.
Some of review about company :
So far I haven’t seen a single downtime which really impressive. I thought I might get 1-2 down-times a month since it’s ultra cheap but so far I have had 100% uptime. So as my first month TuguHost vps review I can say everything is great and I’m really happy with their service. Source
"TuguHost Support has been very good. Better than I expected because I received replys for all most all questions in ticket system within an hour and most of it within 30 minutes. It's an un-managed vps which costonly $20 so I was not expecting a lot. I hope support will stay like this." Source
I use these guys for my Canadian cpanel webhosting and they rock. Rarely get any downtime, off site backups, one of best and cheapest hosting for my sites. It's not your generic setups they actually run things the way a company should. Haven't tried their vps but based on my webhosting service I wouldn't hesitate to try them, Source
Next Our SPecial LET PLAN :
Special 1 :
OpenVZ/SOLUSVM Control Panel
Equal Share CPU
20GB Diskspace
512 MB Guaranteed RAM
250 GB bandwidth
1 IP
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Special 2 :
OpenVZ/SOLUSVM Control Panel
Equal Share CPU
25 GB Diskspace
1 GB Guaranteed RAM
500 GB bandwidth
1 IP
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Special 3 :
OpenVZ/SOLUSVM Control Panel
Equal Share CPU
50 GB Diskspace
2 GB Guaranteed RAM
1000 GB bandwidth
1 IP
$7/mo or $40/year
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WE MANUALLY ACTIVATED ACCOUNT, Setup time is 1 business day.
LowEndTalk http://ift.tt/1lMVwJz (US/UK) Tuguhost Linux VPS. 512 MB Ram = $20/year, 1 GB RAM = $25/Year Web vps hosting server Linux - Windows webvps.blogspot.com