HostWired: ★WordPress Hosting from $3/mo | 24/7 support | Since 2005★

Have you had your data lost by your previous host because they didn’t take backups?
We keep multiple backups of your data: daily, weekly monthly and quartely!

Has your host suspended your site due to excessive CPU or RAM usage?
We will never suspend your site for these reasons. We want your site to become successful with lots of traffic. We prefer to help you optimize your scripts rather than just suspend you and ask for more money as hosts usually do. If the server memory is not enough for your needs, we will add more RAM at no charge. If the CPU power is not enough for your needs, we will move your site to a more powerful server. In any case, we will find the source of the problem and we will consult with you how to resolve any issues related to CPU/RAM usage. We will never force you to pay more money for CPU/RAM resources.

Do you open support tickets and have to wait hours or days for a reply?
We can guarantee an average response time of 20 minutes!

Do you ask for help from your host for complicated issues and receive unhelpful or generic responses?
We offer personalized support and our team has 8 years of hosting experience. We will always resolve your issues!

Have you had many downtimes with your host?
We guarantee a 99,9% uptime. Check our server uptime over the months/years:

Is your site hosted on overloaded servers?
We monitor our servers and we DON’T oversell. We value satisfied customers more than the extra money from overloading servers.

Has your host been around for many years so that you’re confident they won’t go out of business?
HostWired has been around 8 years and still running strong!

Does your host offer control panel and other automated scripts?
We offer cPanel access to each of our plans, with Softaculous one-click scripts install.

Do you worry whether your host will disappear together with your site data in the future?
Besides our 8 years of existence, we are incorporated in the USA, and provise you our real address/phone number. HostWired is here to stay.

Is your current host flexible in upgrading and downgrading your plan anytime?
You can upgrade or downgrade anytime using our plans depending on your current needs. If you need more traffic for one month only, we can upgrade your plan plan for that month. The very next month you can downgrade so you will never pay for resources that you don’t need.

Are you currently hosted on an old server?
Every two years we upgrade or totally change our servers so to have the most modern and powerful servers.

Is your host green?
We do our best to minimize our carbon footprints. The computers used at HostWired are powered by energy that is 10% from renewable resources like wind and solar. All office cell phones use solar power to recharge. Another way we reduce our energy usage is by equipping our Support Staff with Logitech solar powered keyboards. In addition to that, 70% of our staff avoid using cars to commute to work by biking or using public transportation. In fact our President has replaced his car with a Smart Electric Bike he uses to commute to work and he encourages the remaining staff with cars to replace them with Electric Bikes as well. Even our phone number 855-Eco-Host has gone green!

Our most popular packages:

Economy Package

$2/ month or $20/year (2 months for free). Now only $18 for the first year using the promo code: “ECO10%”

1 GB

10 GB Bandwidth

10 Domains

10 Subdomains

10 emails
0 Databases (Please do NOT order this plan if you want to install WordPress, Joomla or any other CMS)
order now

Basic Package

$3/ month or $30/year (2 months for free). Now only $24 for the first year using the promo code: “BAS20%”

1 GB Storage

10 GB Bandwidth

100 Domains

100 Subdomains

100 emails

1 Databases
order now

Business Package

$6/ month or $60/year (2 months for free). Now only $42 for the first year using the promo code: “BUS30%”

3 GB Storage

30 GB Bandwidth

Unlimited Domains

Unlimited Subdomains

Unlimited emails

10 Databases
order now

Deluxe Package

$10/ month or $100/year (2 months for free). Now only $50 for the first year using the promo code: “DEL50%”

5 GB Storage

50 GB Bandwidth

Unlimited Domains

Unlimited Subdomains

Unlimited emails

Unlimited Databases
order now

8 Years of excellent service proves that HostWired is not another “Here Today, Gone Tomorrow” host.


1. WebHostingTalk: ‘’

2. WebHostingTalk: ‘HostWired’

3. WebHostingTalk: ‘Recent Experience with HostWired’

4. WebHostingStuff Reviews

5. Testimonials

6. RateLobby



9. HostJury

Contact us: 1-855-326-4678


Source: HostWired: ★WordPress Hosting from $3/mo | 24/7 support | Since 2005★

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